Floyd Kuptana : from another world

This is a project of Inuit Art Portal with the intent to collect and share the works of Floyd Kuptana in one place, beginning with his sculptures. A long-term aim is to create a comprehensive catalogue of the artist's work. 

We would like to acknowledge the help and support of Gallery Arcturus, a public art museum frequented by the artist and that has extensively shown his works. See current pieces on display in the section "Museums & Galleries" and via the Public Inuit Art Map

Given the unregulated nature of the art market, it is crucial to stay vigilant and always seek stringent provenance.  In the past, we believe we have identified a number of allegedly fake paintings in Floyd Kuptana's style being sold as original works by him

Our objective is to promote public awareness of Floyd Kuptana artworks while preventing the propagation of art fraud.  As such, when we believe artworks purporting to be by Floyd Kuptana are not genuine or do not have secure provenance, if provenance cannot be verified, or if questions we raise cannot be resolved, such artworks will NOT be posted on this site or our affiliated social media. 

In most countries, seeking a financial advantage through deception is a criminal act. Unfortunately, authorities are generally ill-equipped to detect and prevent art fraud. This is why you must always seek out evidence to obtain secure provenance.

As a potential buyer, you have the power to prevent art fraud. Query the vendor, their representatives or agents, and others who may have knowledge.  If there's documentary evidence, secure it.  In some cases, expert assistance may be needed to identify inconsistencies and disconformities between paintings in Floyd Kuptana’s style and securely provenanced Floyd Kuptana paintings.

No part of our commentary on Floyd Kuptana’s artwork is a recommendation to buy or investment advice.  Despite our honestly held beliefs, we must (for legal reasons) expressly disclaim that reliance should be placed on our commentary or the fact of the inclusion of artworks on this site or our affiliated social media to infer authenticity.  Facts now known or believed to be true may prove to be different, and users of this website should accept and assume the risk of facts being different.       

For more info, please contact us.

Gallery Arcturus has published a series of books about Floyd Kuptana's work:

Free book : Sculpture: The faces of Floyd Kuptana #inuitart #floydkuptana

PDF-download  | The cost when purchased in print from the gallery is $55

Free book : Sculpture: The faces of Floyd Kuptana #inuitart #floydkuptana

Free book : Sculpture: The faces of Floyd Kuptana #inuitart #floydkuptana

PDF-download | The cost when purchased in print from the gallery is $45